Choose to be happy 2018
Hello dear friends, I hope that my New England frozen chosens are keeping warm and safe during this blizzard. One benefit is we can snuggle under a warm blanket while sipping on a steaming hot beverage reading/napping/watching shows. Nonetheless, I come with a sad news. There hasn't been much of an update until this morning. A few weeks ago I started to feel a dull pain around my rib area/ upper abdomen. This week the pain escalated to intermittent sharp pains and discomfort. I called my doctor yesterday, she called me back this morning because it took her some time to read my CT scan from Tuesday. It showed that the cancer cells built resistance and immunity from my oral chemo so Tarceva isn't working anymore. My Nodules and Lymph nodes are also changing, they are getting bigger. (To what rapid and what size, I still have to find out next week). The fluid is also slowly filling up my right lung and that were the discomfort is coming from. My local oncologist reached ...