
Showing posts from October, 2018

Fear is a Liar

It’s been a while since I posted a blog. Mainly because we’ve been busy moving in to our new home which is a blessing on it’s own, we also renovated the kitchen, Connor started going to a new school, teaching him how to drive, and so on. In short, Life happens. But if you notice, these are all good things so why did I dragged my feet writing another blog? FEAR. My scan from 3 months ago showed that I have no sign of tumors. It doesn’t mean that I am technically cancer free because I carry a gene that is broken. I started re-taking my oral chemo which has been problematic because of all the side effects. My oncologist and I decided to pause the intake until they can find a better solution, another pill to take with manageable side effects. Fear and anxiety creeps in every once in a while, I try to nip it in the butt as soon as I recognize it but I’m not always successful. Mind is such a powerful part of a human body. It can lead someone to greatness, mediocrity or destruction.