God never ceases to amaze me, I can't deny how my humanly instincts and views are so vague and compacted in a small box so it is very easy to get overwhelmed. But His ways and thoughts are higher than mine.
We are still waiting on some tests to come back before I start medications/treatments.
It's hard for me to explain but God has been with me the whole process. In this state where I am vulnerable, God's mercy and grace are so visible and tangible. Although I may think how and why bad things kept happening to me and my family, I see His hand guiding me. From my grandfather's passing away which tore a big piece of my heart, to Kevin's challenges at work a couple weeks ago and just the challenges of our daily lives. It makes me want to pull my hair sometimes and scream "WHY?!!!!"
But God reminds me that He is a provider. If I found out about my cancer when my grandpa was still around it would've been very difficult for me to handle because I'm his main financial support. I won't easily be able to afford to leave my job if necessary because he needs me to support his hospital bills, medicines and just daily living expenses. So I look at this as "the hand of God" moments when it makes me realize that God still made a way for me.
So when Kevin and I went to Boston last Thursday, which almost got cancelled. Simply because that certain specialist was supposed to be booked all throughout November. So I made an appointment w/ a local specialist. God closed that door and made a way for me to see Dr Oxnard in Boston 2 days later. Dr Oxnard insisted to see me asap because he and his team did a lot of research about my case. They were interested with me because I fit a rare demographic of Young, Asian, Female Non-smoker who got diagnosed with lung cancer.
They drew blood for different testings, Kevin could probably explain better but they said that my youth is in my favor so they have time to research more to fit the best treatment for me.
There are 3 specific tests they are doing, if I am positive in one of them there is a certain pill that I can take to stop the cancer from spreading. They will treat it as a chronic disease and I will potentially skip Chemo. So we are praying that I get a positive result in one of the 3 tests. Then they may do Immunotherapy to boost my immune system to fight the cancer. That's all up in the air so we will give more updates the more that we know.
I had a full PET scan and MRI this weekend and both scans came normal, the cancer has not spread anywhere else. Praise Jesus!
I also had another Thoracentesis (lung draining) done yesterday, and my body is still very sore from it but I can breathe better now.
Why Stage 4? The liquid around the linings of my right chest cavity is found malignant and the cancer is metastasized, meaning it's spread BUT just around the right lung. That's why they said it's stage 4. At first when I was told what stage it is, I immediately freaked out and thought that it's the end for me. But the Dr Oxnard said that it is what it is, but it is not as bad as we're thinking. We will still be proactive and fight head on. I should be hearing back from him hopefully this week if not I will call next Monday.

Prayer request:

Since Dana-Farber Cancer Institute is out of our network, potentially we will have to cover our visit last Thursday out of pocket. That is about $1,500 or more. We are waiting for our insurance to confirm that they've authorized the visit so we will only pay a regular co-pay. So we are asking the Lord to give us favor in this.
Ultimately for complete healing of my body, God can do anything if it's in His will. I'm asking you to pray for total healing and restoration. This will allow us to show people that God can do miracles and that He is a merciful God that heals.
Thank you for your time, love and prayers :)


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